Being arrested for a drunk driving charge is a situation that demands immediate attention. The penalties of these charges are too great to ignore. You might lose your driving privileges, have to spend time in jail, pay hefty fines or have your vehicle seized. It is important for you to take quick action if you learn that you are being charged with a drunk driving charge.
We can stand by your side when you are arrested and throughout the criminal justice proceedings that will follow. We can help you to understand your case and the laws that are being used to prosecute you. Just last week, we discussed the case of the woman who was found guilty of an amended charge instead of a DUI. While we can’t promise you the same result, we can fight for your rights as you face the court system.
If you are worried about losing your driver’s license, it might be possible for you to enter into the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program. In order to do this, you must apply for the program. We can help you learn how to fill out the application and how to put your progress down in a way that shows you deserve to enter into the program.
We know that you don’t want a drunk driving conviction to dictate your life. We can work with you to try to get you an outcome you’ll appreciate in your case. It is important for you to contact us as soon as possible so that we can get started on your defense.