When you are stopped for drunk driving, you might hear about the Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program. This VASAP offers a variety of programs that are aimed at helping drivers to avoid driving while impaired or intoxicated. It even has a program for some people who are driving on a suspended license.
One of the VASAP programs is geared toward young offenders. It lasts 8 to 10 weeks and gives some defendants the opportunity to have charges reduced or dropped.
VASAP offers a treatment program, which is mandatory for some people, that works with state-approved facilities. This program is geared toward keeping defendants from using drugs or drinking alcohol. The participants are tested for drugs and alcohol and are returned to the court if they test positive.
Habitual offenders might be sent for an evaluation to determine if the Habitual Offender Relapse Prevention Program is appropriate. This program seeks to reduce recidivism by offering education and support. Participants learn about the process of recovery so that they can try to avoid falling back into old habits.
Even drivers who weren’t charged with alcohol-related offenses might be sent to a VASAP program. The Driver Improvement program can help voluntary participants to earn positive points for their licenses. It is also mandatory for some drivers who have an accumulation of points on their licenses. Programs for drivers who drive on a suspended license and those who were driving recklessly are also available.
When you face any criminal action resulting from drunk driving or traffic infractions, you should explore your options. Some of the VASAP programs might help you with your case. If you opt to pursue one of these programs, make sure you understand how it will affect your criminal charges and your driving privileges.
Source: The Commission on Virginia Alcohol Safety Action Program, “VASAP Programs,” accessed Oct. 13, 2015