When you are at a party and consuming alcohol, you probably aren’t taking the time to think about how each drink will affect you. That oversight might be something you beat yourself up over if you are pulled over for the suspicion of drunk driving after you leave the party.
There are several factors that can affect your blood alcohol concentration. Some people think that your BAC will remain lower than the legal limit if you only have one drink per hour. That doesn’t mean that you can have a fish bowl of margaritas every hour. One drink is defined as a 1.5-ounce shot of spirits that are distilled, a 12-ounce beer or a 5-ounce glass of wine. Interestingly, even following that guideline isn’t really safe when it comes to ensuring you are in good condition for driving.
Many other factors can affect your BAC. These include your health, what you had to eat, medications you are taking, the strength of the drink you consume, your gender, your age, your metabolism, how hydrated you are, your fat and muscle content and how well you tolerate alcohol.
When it comes down to it, there isn’t really a safe way to determine if your BAC is below the legal limit unless you are testing your BAC. Even checking your BAC before you leave the party isn’t a suitable way to determine your intoxication level. Your BAC can change while you are on the way home and you wouldn’t know it.
If you were stopped for the suspicion of drunk driving and are facing criminal charges, make sure you to take the time to learn how the charge will affect you. Also learn how you can fight against the charges if you feel they are incorrect.
Source: BAC Track, “How Many Drinks Does it Take to Reach 0.08?,” accessed June 03, 2016